aisha north

As many of you have already ascertained, there has indeed been a major shift during these last few days. To many, it will feel like a release, and that is exactly what has happened. We talk not about just a personal effect from this major upshifting of energies, but we refer to the one that concerns the collective. You see, you have just been through such a major reshifting of levels it has had some far reaching consequences not many have been able to reassess just yet. What we talk about, is an event on such a major scale it will literally go into the history books as the days that changed the world forever. You will search in vain in the mass media for any hints of this unprecedented event, but if you search deep inside yourselves, we think you will all feel some reverberation from this. For the…

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aisha north

The sun is shining down upon you again, and her benevolent rays carry so much more than mere light and warmth. She is the dispenser of wisdom and knowledge in so many ways, and from the earliest of times, mankind has been aware of this. But now, her generosity has increased to such a degree, she will be responsible for the turning around of mankind. Let us explain.

The sun is for many considered holy, and it has been thus for eons, as you have rightly surmised that without her flaming appearance in the sky, your world would be a cold and dark and dead place indeed. But now, the rays that bathe you each and every day bring with them so much more than mere warmth and light, as they also carry with them enormous amounts of information. This information is vital indeed, as this is the information that…

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Oracles and Healers

Spanish        Portuguese


Our topic today is your continued evolution in consciousness.  We see new levels of light and understanding being reached every day now.  Your progress is building upon itself quite remarkably.  There is now no let-up in the increasing quantity and frequencies of light being sent to the planet and still your intake and integration is keeping pace.

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I see the same colors popping out of the sun when I sungaze in the morning. I bathe Gaia in each one as I see it, be it a brilliant white, the warm pink glow of Love, golden rays or the violet ray of the Flame of St. Germain. And afterwards, She always gifts me with something from nature, like the flower which opened last night on my Night Blooming Cactus…beautiful and so fragrant. I just stood there and kept breathing it in, filling my Heart with the Joy of its presence, and thanking it for its gift of beauty…no matter how short-lived.

Thank you Hilarion…I AM beginning to see the effects I have on my friends and especially in family visits, where discourses of contention are becoming minimal. Realize and step into YOUR TRUE POWER…THE TIME IS NOW!

Lucas 2012 Infos

Beloved Ones,

As the Cosmic energies increase in intensity once again, the Lightworkers of the World find themselves stepping up to the ladder to move to the next level of the Ascension process. You are still going against the current of prevailing thought patterns that are being broadcast throughout the atmosphere of the Planet and so, as the forerunners, you experience these energies as difficult. Remember to take time to be out in nature and connect often to the core of the Earth to remain grounded. Drink plenty of pure water to help the process of assimilation of the higher energies into every cell of your human and multi-dimensional operating system.

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