New Beginnings – September 20, 2012, by the Council of Nine

We are the Council of Nine.

Long have we watched over the evolution of this planet and the development of humanity. Now swiftly approaches a new beginning for your planet and its inhabitants. We encourage each of you who read these words to focus on your innermost parts, that sacred place within where you can gather your forces, calm your mind, strengthen the connection between self and Higher Self, as well as renew ties with your galactic family.

Events move apace outside the purview of the tightly controlled mass media. Things are happening in the subtle realms of the fourth dimension (the Astral Plane) as the remaining non-physical dark forces are been flushed out of their hiding places, by our own forces and our ground crew, clothed in their astral bodies. The tide has turned; the Light upon this planet steadily grows in strength.

Now, in your moments of quietude, we encourage you to turn your powerful creative thoughts towards the kind of world that you wish to see manifesting in your “future.” Dream grandly and open your hearts wide in anticipation, for the world you will see will meet and succeed what you are currently capable of imagining.

Even now, some of you are experiencing a subtle change in attitude, towards yourself, your family members, perhaps even those who you used to see as “other.” You will find your acceptance of self extending outwardly to your neighbors, your community and eventually to those whom you once considered as opponents, perhaps as enemies. This new sense of self is the beginning of an awareness that you are greater than the being that is currently residing in a skin suit and living at such and such address. You are a Divine being, in the process of waking up and re-membering your connection with all Life. You are a Divine being coming into union, communion with your center of being, the Heart, the sacred flame within your high heart chakra, that radiates forth the life energy that keeps your body functioning but is so much more. This heart flame and the corresponding pineal gland and silver cord that bind you to your Soul, connect you through Love to the Universe and beyond. This is a process of rediscovery that you are currently embarked upon, individually and as a collective. Both your planet and you are undergoing the same process and you are joined by the entire Universe in this grand cycle of ascension.

Those of you who are currently experiencing an internal process of integration with your Higher Self and a growing awareness of your multidimensionality are going far with anchoring this awareness within the collective subconscious of all humanity. As all are connected at subtle levels, all will soon be made aware of this connection through the communion of hearts, the language of love. You will feel your heart flame respond when someone thinks about you, no matter where they live upon the earth. You will begin to feel and respond to the subtle communications of non-physical beings, angels, archangels, Masters and galactics. Protect yourself as you feel you need to, but soon enough you will be able to discern the energies and know whom to engage with. You are more powerful than you know and can effect great change upon this planet and are now in the process of far exceeding all previous expectations that we have had for your progress to date.

With the strengthening of the connection of Love within each of our wayshowers, so, too, will emerge a corresponding surge of feelings of brotherhood, forgiveness and compassion within those who have been asleep until recently, for your devotion has forged the way forward for your entire race. This unseen unity will suddenly emerge as the cessation of aggressions, in the refusal of soldiers to fight each other, in the sudden recognition of the connection between peoples. This process is already happening and will continue to spread, despite all the efforts of the dark ones to revive their efforts to control the general population and drive everyone back into their respective corners to cower in fear. No, the flame within is too powerful now to be conquered by the ill-intended. The call for freedom, for peace, for healing, for abundance for all peoples is beginning to be heard in the most backward corners of the world. Look not at the mass media to see these things, but look within. Know through the confirmation of your heart flame that the Light is victorious; the cycle is moving forward and will bring this world into a new dawn, a new world, a golden age of peace and prosperity for all.

Send forgiveness and love to those who still struggle to retain the last vestiges of control; they have lost the battle, but are too stubborn, too fearful of what it means for them. They know not what lies beyond the future that they have planned so methodically over centuries of your linear time. It is beyond their inbred arrogance to accept defeat, yet accept it they must and soon.

Even with the official announcement of disclosure being put off yet another time, we see more and more people responding nonetheless to the increased radiance that is being emitted by the heart flames of the Lightbearers. You will see sudden awakenings happening on a daily basis, first hundreds, then thousands, then millions of new seekers, looking for answers, finding clues on the Internet and seeking out those who have come before them… finding the pathway laid out before them through the strength of your will and determination to serve the Light.

For the wayshowers it is now time to step forward into the light of your Presence, to come into a full acceptance of your power and beauty. The time to doubt and dwell in fear is over. Stand tall in your light. Remain calm and centered. Rediscover the joy and creativity of the child within. Be who you are in the fullness of your love and connection with all life. You are living examples to the ones who will come seeking answers. Perhaps you will be a teacher and mentor; others will simply be examples of a new way of living. Each of you will discover your own paths by going within and communing with your inner guides. Love your humanity and know that limitless potential lies just beyond the horizon for you, your loved ones, your world and the entire Universe.
You are loved more than you know. Be at peace and know that we stand with you, always, in the eternal Now.

Blessings and encouragement to all,

Thank you, beloved Council of Nine

Channeler: Tazjima

Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.


Spiritual Perceptions of Third-Dimensional Reality 23 September 2012 – | Peter Phalam

Imagine you are watching a great movie. You know they are acting; they are creating sets, background music, special effects and have spent months preparing scenes. You become fully engaged emotionally and your imagination takes over your ego. In a similar scenario you are watching a ‘murder mystery’ and fully embraced in the journey of who did it. You make guesses into the future and wonder if you are right, and carefully watch different events unfold. This is a great example of how your spirit should react to life itself. Life is not meant to be lived on auto-pilot. Yet, over half of Earth’s population is derived from soul groups that are puppet-like in the manner in which they perform on Earth. Their subconscious planes have constant directives from hierarchies that hail from solar systems that do not allow free will. The puppeteers draw them into traditional life styles, religions, and political attitudes. Their egos are trained to observe this reality as the essence of truth and they are heavily influenced by the commercial world which is full of subliminal messaging. This leads them into acid-based diets and poor health. This overweight country is plagued by puppeteers who exist in other dimensional realms with all the rights of Archangels and Ascended Masters as this is the reality of a free will zone.

The other half of the population is in a free will experiment. Older souls have invoke the Christ Consciousness Hierarchy into their subconscious planes. Souls like Edgar Casey, Alice Bailey and Elizabeth Claire Prophet taught us how to invoke the Archangels and Ascended Masters as well as many others to help us in this life. Soul groups from the Pleaides have been around Earth for millions of years and have many soul groups here now. They were responsible for the DNA uplifting in the ‘missing link’ that improved the indigenous souls on Earth. Arctureans have been here for a long time, as have Alpha Centurians and Sireans, in free will in this experiment. The remaining older souls have been through much of this universe, in many galaxies, and make up the remaining free will population. This half of the population is invited to this planet except for the indigenous souls who where placed here as well as the other 50% who are indigenous to this galaxy. The invited souls are sponsored onto this plane through seven incarnate rays. Archangel Michael sponsors those who come through the Blue Ray; Jophiel governs the Yellow Ray; Chamuel the Pink Ray; Gabriel the Crystal Ray; Raphael the Green Ray; Uriel the Ruby Ray; and Zadkiel the Violet Ray.

We continue watching movies and murder mysteries, as they have the entertainment of catharsis in our subconscious planes. When we save our emotional energy and imagination, they transfer into our dream states where our lightbody merges into our Merkabah and travels through different dimensions. This not only cleanses our subconscious planes but places our dreams into prophecy from the 5th dimension. In the 6th dimension, we have the ability to place our imagination into many of our past lives and some of the future planes. Cleansing our subconscious planes greatly increases our intuitive ability. The imagination is actually the root of psychic ability. The same place in the brain shares imagination and channeling ability. The pineal gland is known as the ‘Third Eye’. To enhance the energy of the pineal gland, try to limit your use of sunglasses as direct sun enhances your psychic ability. Also deep breathing through exercise for at least 20 minutes or holotropic breathwork and meditation helps. The brain is the largest user of oxygen in our bodies and for souls over the age of fifty, deep breathing helps neurotransmitters stay online.

The harvest of older souls has begun by initiation. A total of 144,000 master consciousness beings are needed. Only about 14,000 have been initiated thus far so we have a long way to go and about 100 new planets need us.

Namaste Peter

For more on psychic development and holotropic breathwork see
For more on Peter, visit

Israeli Rabbis Greet Iran’s President Ahmadinejahd in NYC on Yom Kippur



In a video you won’t see on CNN or ABC, Israeli Sephardic Rabbis Greeted Ahmadinejahd in New York City on Yom Kippur. 

Iran’s President was visibly moved by the emotional prayers for peace and friendship spoken by the Israeli Rabbis.  The Sephardic Rabbis praised Iran’s leaders for 1,000 years of peaceful relations with 50,000 Jewish families in Tehran.

This extraordinary event might account for Ahmedinejahd’s  subdued criticism of Israel in his speech on the floor of the United Nations later that day. Major media have observed that Iran’s President only briefly mentioned Israel once.  Nobody asked why he might have softened his tone.

Let’s make this video go viral, people! There’s great hope for peace, if we can follow these Rabbis’ superb example and treat each other with respect.

    Message sent to me with youtube link. If after watching this you do not begin to understand how people are…

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Raccoon, Power Animal, Symbol of Our Many Masks, Dexterity

This was the message I received this morning in my meditation:

The time is NOW for Lightworkers to UNITE. So much is happening in the world – behind the screens of MSM. Your daily routines will come to a halt. You will be called for your true mission.

Last night, as I was sitting at my computer for some last-minute perusing before bed, my dogs started barking at something outside the arcadia door. Now, I have never seen anything come into my yard except rabbits and birds. We do have lots of critters out here on the ranch, but they usually don’t come around the house. I got up to see what they were barking at, and staring back at me were two eyes behind a mask.WOW…up close and personal. I ran to turn on  the porch light – he was still there! He was fairly young, not full-grown. He crouched there and stared at me for a minute like he was telling me something, then decided to try to find a way back out of the yard away from the barking dogs.

This morning when I went outside, everything just felt so DIFFERENT; I could hear the whispers of Gaia to my soul through the crisp, cool air, the singing of the birds, the lowing of        the cows…just DIFFERENT. I looked up the raccoon’s animal spirit and this is what I found.

Raccoon’s Wisdom Includes understanding the nature of masks, disguise, dexterity, seeking guidance and confidence, questioning without fear, balancing curiosity, shape shifting, secrecy.

In some ways, the racoon is a clever scavenger. Their magic is their mask, though often the raccoon’s mask is linked with its ‘banditry’ – they have been known to open peoples house doors and bin lids to take food – the mask has a far deeper meaning. No one, including you and I, are ever quite what we may seem – even to ourselves, for in our lives we can experience the freedom of many identities. Be it with friends, partners, children, parents, work colleagues, strangers etc. This medicine helps us to take on and let go of the many roles we fill. Having various identities isn’t negative, for we can learn to become adept at changing identities when appropriate. Over time this becomes as easy as selecting and changing ones clothes. Your many faces are about to be revealed to you. The racoon will assist you how to mask, disguise and transform yourself. Masks are a powerful tool – through the use of masks, altered states can be reached. Racoon people generally do well in professions to do with theatre. 

Raccoons seem indifferent when caught ‘stealing’, although if provoked they can become ferocious. They are strong and muscular and can hold their own in nearly all situations, teaching us to do the same. 

If Raccoon is your power animal, eating mainly fruit and vegetables will be beneficial to your health. Raccoon will have a long influence on your life, staying with you for a long time. 

Racoons are for the main nocturnal animals, travelling in small groups of 1 or 2 families searching for fruits, vegetables, and small animals. Often they can be seen sloshing their hands and food in water before eating. The symbol of hands represent holding, receiving or giving. If raccoon comes to you may be being asked to let go of a situation, person, belief or habit. Reversely, the message may be for you to receive the gifts being offered to you by the Universe. 

They are excellent swimmers, though they prefer being up a tree – which is where they are often found. Up here they are aware of everything around them and see danger a long way off. Racoons are highly curious leaving no stone unturned. This has its up and down sides. Following ones curiosity can pave the way for new and exciting things. However curiosity without caution can pave the way to trouble.

Synchronicity – the timing of the racoon’s appearance at this time. I’m sure I’ll see him again.

Much Love, Light, Blessings and Peace to All



Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council:

Hello, dearly beloveds, we come before you today with more help in embracing your ascension process. We are your guides, and the work is up to you.

We wish to speak to you today of the increments you are indeed achieving in the raising of your frequencies moment by moment. There are many things that enhance it and there are many things that can deter from it.

Consider now what your focus is in the moment, dear Ones. Where does your focus lie right now? Is it what you would label as a loved-based thought? Is it clouded by concerns for survival or residue from still lingering fears and limiting beliefs of your true essence?

You are not your experiences. You are not your fears. You are not what the media tries to indoctrinate you with as the norm. You are so much…

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When she refers to a “membrane” , I immediately struck by the memory of gathering eggs yesterday in the chicken coop. As I peeked into one nest, I found an egg which did not have a shell around it. This struck me as odd in that the egg itself was intact as it was enclosed in its own “living membrane” which didn’t break open even as I picked it up. In all my egg-gatherings, this was a first for me. Then I see this post from Aisha: hmmm…synchronicity? Namaste.

aisha north

This morning during meditation I was given the first lesson for The apprentices’s manual, and it started by meeting up with one of my guides again. He was introduced to me in the first reading I was given many years ago, and he was described as ”The magician” or the alchemist, someone who is capable of changing the present into something new. I just call him ”Teacher”, and he is a wise old man filled with love. He has been following me from a distance these last couple of years, and it was very special to be reconnected with him again. And now he has come back to help me do the new work that I have been given.

It was a very intense experience this morning, and I can still see everything very clear in my mind. First, he took me outside because he wanted to give me an…

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SaLuSa 26-September-2012

As you are finding time is speeding by, and the prophesies of massive earthquakes and other physical happenings have in no way occurred quite as was envisioned. You can certainly take some credit for the outcome, as by bringing the Light to Earth, you have also brought calmness. It does not however mean that there will not be physical changes, as some are inevitable. By keeping the vibrations high through the coming weeks, you can ensure that you have a fairly smooth finish to the cycle. We are of course part of the reason for the way it is working out, and are maintaining what can be called a peaceful time. Yes, there are battles taking place in some countries, but these will not be allowed to escalate into a greater global war.

It may sound strange to say that you are achieving peace on Earth, but it is so as more and more people demand it along with their freedom. You are already seeing the last stand in many countries, and the military personnel are showing their belief that it is time to call an end to all war. They realize that apart from self defense war is a senseless act that rarely achieves any lasting effect. Instead it creates hatred, and those whose people and lands are destroyed will carry thoughts of revenge until they are fulfilled. Is it not true Dear Ones, that you have created the terrorists that plague the world with their insane acts of self destruction and murder.

We would wish you to not dwell upon the negativity that is still present in your world, but you need to understand how it has come about. Naturally the dark Ones have had a hand in perpetuating it, and speaking historically have set up almost every modern war between nations. That will all finish with Ascension as you are moving into a level where such negativity cannot exist. The souls that think this way who will not give up their pursuits for wealth and power, will remain in the lower dimension with others who are unenlightened. However, the Light will not be denied them and every effort will be made to bring them back into it. One day they will return as eventually every soul will make it home.

Meantime the path to Ascension is opening up, and the changes required to move on are nearing manifestation. In consequence matters will take off quite quickly as certain goals have to be reached before you get there. Our allies still put their heart and soul into their work, and will see the results very soon. As we have said many times, nothing can stop the final curtain coming down, and the Illuminati will be gone from your lives forever. Your consciousness levels continue to rise, and with one great leap forward you will realize that you have ascended. There will no uncertainty in your mind at all, you will know that you have immensely changed from what you were previously. So do not allow worries to creep into your mind, keep your vision in front of you and it will become your reality.

Live in the Now and wait until it is necessary to change your daily pattern, to accommodate the New Age that is manifesting. You will know soon enough when it arrives, and it is the “knowing” that you can rely on to carry you forward. Your extrasensory perception will be sharper and enhanced by the new energies you are taking into yourself. You may well view the fact that your body will no longer be susceptible to illness, as the most welcome change of all. It will be just one of many that will immediately uplift your quality of life. We could say that you have not lived until you experience life in the higher dimensions. It would be true particularly where it relates to other souls. You will find that all are united in Love and Light, and will live together in bliss and total harmony.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light speak to you as ones who are already at the levels you are moving into. We experience in a happy environment where all forms of life interact with each other. There is no fear whatsoever between the different life forms, and it is based on trust. Consequently no one feels inhibited or withdrawn, but can express themselves freely in great joy and happiness. Thoughts associated with the lower vibrations never enter our minds, and we focus on all that is pure and untainted by any negative aspect. Living your life in this way is so satisfying and we certainly do not have any time for boredom. There will be so much more open to you to explore and as you ascend even further, as you say “the skies the limit”.

So Dear Ones, make the most of your final days upon your present Earth. It still has so much beauty and places that are of the highest energies. Those of you who are sensitive’s will know what I mean. Equally some areas still remain badly polluted, from centuries of being subjected to the lower energies through war and other conflicts. These will of course be finally cleared before Ascension, and indeed that work has already commenced. To help you we can work whilst off Earth, but when we can meet you it can be carried out as a joint venture. Mother Earth has been a most patient entity whilst seeing you through the last period of your lives. She receives and welcomes your contact with her, and your return to times when you both lived much closer together. It will come again in the near future when you shall understand your relationship with all other life forms.

You were all created and placed upon Earth to enjoy all of the Creator’s bounty and beauty, and learn how to support each other. Regretfully in the latter stages you grew away from Nature, and forgot how much you needed  each other. That is changing and many are recognizing the place that Man has on Earth, and the importance of his guardianship where all life is concerned. The Buddhists are renowned for their understanding, and have shown what can be done when you are in harmony with nature. Some of you are equally aware, and are a good example to others who are seeking a true relationship with Nature.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask you to go forward with great confidence. There is nothing to be frightened about where the New Age is concerned, it is everything you could have wished for. We are preparing to introduce ourselves in whatever circumstances are permissible, and will do it a way that does not induce fear. Far from it, as we come to you in Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Oooh, My Aching Back!

I just read an update by Sheldon Nidle – NOW I understand. Yesterday morning, I woke up with muscle spasms in my lower back. I’d catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and I’m bent over walking like an old lady (ok, leave my age outta this…lol). Hot showers, inversion table, nuthin’ works…STILL HURTS! Below is an excerpt from Sheldon Nidle’s update explaining what is going on here:

Dratzo! We return with more to discuss with you. At present, your ongoing body ascension programs are being temporarily suspended by divine decree, while a series of time collapse points goes into effect in the run-up to the end of your Gregorian year. These time-collapse points represent the juncture at which alternative timelines are integrated into your present ascending reality, because this is the sole reality which is to go forward into 2013. This collapse process can cause fluctuations in the Earth field, causing imbalances to your physical bodies. Furthermore, this process reduces the alternative scenarios that the dark cabal has available to it to try to circumvent the divine plan. These collapses are being implemented by the galactic Time Lords in order to prepare your realm to gracefully enter this single new reality. These collapses can create various physical side effects in many of you, which will include headaches, pains in your neck and spine, and assorted aches in the muscles of your legs and arms. These discomforts are only temporary, but Heaven wishes us to slow down our work on your bodies to compensate for the extra physical stress upon you during this time-collapse period.

Read more here:

So, how long will this time-collapse period last anyway? Is anyone else hurting like me?

It’s all good…not much farther along the road. Destiny awaits!


You are much more integrated with your wholeness. – channeled by Ron Head


The progression continues.  The equinox has passed, and still you feel no let-up in the downloads and changes to your energy fields.  There will be almost no respite for you now other than brief troughs between the waves.  The ‘surf’ will continue to build.  There will be several more very large ‘big ones’ for you to catch between now and the end of the year.

The incoming energy/information has now reached truly what could be called flood stage.  Yet you really, if you honestly think about it, do not feel overwhelmed at all.  It feels to be just as it was six months ago.  This is a measure of your progress, my friends.  Your capacities have increased tremendously.

Our realm and yours are much closer now.  You are much more integrated with your wholeness than before.  Great numbers of you are having much more dream recall than ever, and are seeing much more significance therein, even though you still are not able to consciously interpret all of them.  Do not worry.  They are you speaking to you, and the messages are always received.  Some are having outward situations that are uncomfortable occur in their lives and are saying “why” once more.  “Why” is not the proper question, dear ones.  “Why” is that you need to finish the lesson for good and for all.  Look deeply at it.  Realize that it holds things you have not faced in yourselves.  Accept that and ask yourselves what that might be.  Listen for the feeling in your heart that is the answer.  Do this in the quiet space of your inner being.  We promise you that once you have done this, you will be able to release whatever it is to the Universe, never to bother you again.  You could liken this time to final exams.  Not to worry.  You will pass… if you wish to.

It is time also to look very closely at your true motivation.  You can step off this staircase if you so desire.  However, knowing this will allow you to be confident once again in your determination.  Always you are here because you choose to be.  Always what you feel is what you choose to feel.  Many do not yet understand, but opening fully and freely to what you have chosen, embracing every nuance of it, and expressing gratitude daily for it, are what makes the difference between apparently rough rides and those who skip happily through everything.

You can find the courage to release everything that is not good for you and walk joyfully into the future, but still many of you will not let go, feeling that it is better to hang on to anything, no matter how painful, than to trust what you cannot yet see.  There are, we promise each of you, those within reach of you that can help you.  Ask them.  Ask us.  You are not, no matter how it feels, ever alone.  When this ride slows down, you will discover that, in fact there is only ONE.

We will continue again soon, my brothers and sisters.  Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


Chemtrails and Geoengineering – Watch This Movie Trailer for “SHADE”

For years, I have seen these stripes in the sky. I tried to tell people what was going on…they only said “Nah, they’re just jetstreams”. Well, jetstreams usually dissipate.

For years, I have watched my good friends get sick and die off. While I’ve been taking my herbal supplements to stave off the toxins, they were relying on doctors and antibiotics and prescriptions of all types for whatever ailed them. No one would listen. Well, I’m still here.

When are the people going to wake up and take notice of what’s being done to them? When are they going to realize the Big Pharma regulated medical doctors are only in their profession for the money. When are they going to stop being glued to all the pomp and circumstance, the pandering gestures, the “likability” factor of our politicians? When are they going to wake up and realize they’ve been led like sheeple to the the slaughter?

I know we have reached beyond the critical mass awakening of the collective. It’s evident all around the world. But here in my neck of the woods, the only response I get is “Uh-huh, we’ll see”, or “I’ll believe it when I see it”, or get totally brushed off as “crazy”. 

I’m sorry if I’m now venting some frustration, but I think I speak for other Lightworkers who may be feeling the same way. I’m glad I have a support system of like-minded, awakened people I can always share with…but at home, we are usually alone with our own Consciousness, unable to share our personal journey with anyone except our Higher Selves, our Guides, our mentors, the Ascended Masters. They alone know of our personal difficulties and Love us Unconditionally…we make them proud of our service. All we can do is press on.


Much Love, Light, Peace and Blessings to all on our Ascended Path.
