Thank you Michael and Ron…YES! I’ve always said my life has made me a survivor. Well, I say now my life has given me the strength of a warrior. I go forth now with AA Michael’s Sword of Protection on my back, and unconditional Love in my Heart, to co-create with Source and stand tall with my fellow Lightworkers as we bring forth Terra Nova, Gaia, resplendent in all Her new glory.

Oracles and Healers

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Good morning, dearest friends.  Our hearts feel great joy as each of you reach out and connect with us.  May this day and every day be increasingly joyful and special for you, as well.

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Eckhart Tolle – Are Thoughts The Source Of Ego? – 24 October 2012

Thank you…so many thoughts come into my head which do not come from me, this is not who I AM. These are thoughts I now know I’m picking up from the collective who are still sleeping, so I have learned to not dwell on them but to just let them pass through without reacting to them. Wasn’t easy at first as I was very sensitive to negative energy. But letting go of emotion and EGO has brought me to a very peaceful place within myself.

Lucas 2012 Infos

Uploaded by EckhartTeachings  on 20 April 2010 Sample Q&A from the May 2010 Issue of Eckhart Tolle TV Q: Is the ego the source of our thoughts or are our thoughts generated elsewhere and passed through the ego? The ego arises out of the state of identification with thought. The moment of freedom arises when we realize that we are not our thoughts—rather, we are the awareness.

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Lucas 2012 Infos

I am that I AM. I see and observe.  I  speak of  EGO and EGO disguised as spiritual teachers, gurus, channelers and writers.  I see the EGO getting in the way of unity and unconditional love.  The words spoken are polluted with sentences of attacks against those calling the EGO out. The sentences of division and hatred, the sentences of denying and ridiculing, and so on, all those  sentences  show EGO will  react to that what seems to touch and hurt it.

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Johnsmallman's Blog

The reason that you have so many doubts about humanity’s awakening is because the illusion encloses you in a veil of darkness that hides Reality from you. Reality is everywhere; it is everything; it is all encompassing; and within it you have imagined into existence an unreal, closed, divided, and lonely environment – seemingly very real to you – where you experience yourselves as separated and alone, disconnected from all but your individual human bodies.  And these very limiting bodies can enjoy only a very short and limited lifetime.  The shortness of your life in the illusion is frighteningly emphasized by the vastness of the visible universe and by the very lengthy duration of its existence in comparison with your own bodily existence.

From a perspective that engages only scientifically, and not spiritually, with its environment life is a puzzle and a disappointment – “What on earth is its point.”…

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Jesus through John

The loving intent that each member of humanity has always held and cherished deep within themselves is growing and intensifying very rapidly indeed as more and more of you plug into the energy field of divine Love that envelops you.  Its expansion and general acceptance has been planned for a very long time, and to see it, as it were, “take off” is most uplifting and exhilarating, as we watch over you with love and joy from our sphere of influence within the spiritual realms. The spiritual realms naturally include the “bubble” that contains your illusory environment, and that bubble has been floating around here ever since you conceived of it, entered into it, and chose to switch off your ability to perceive the realms outside it.

Loving assistance has always been on offer to you, but for a very long time indeed you chose to go your own rather…

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aisha north

As you have already ascertained, the sun is starting to deliver her gifts to you once again. The energies will be intense this time around, and for many, that will mean some rather acute physical symptoms too. Do not worry dear ones, as they will not be anything aside from a bit irritating. In other words, even if the fallout from some of these incoming rounds of energetic bombardements may leave you feeling more than a little exhausted, it will not have any lasting effects on you. Or rather, the lasting effect will as always be a very beneficial one, even if your body will try to tell you otherwise. So please, stay calm and centered and remember to breathe into it all, even if your body or even your mind will try to get you into overdrive. There is nothing to fear in any of this, only that you…

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