Lucas 2012 Infos you have been seeing there is also a strive to solve long running problems and make peace all over the world.

Look at the Columbian problem and fight between FARC and the Government troops. The Columbian president brought change to bring people together for peace talks : Colombia, FARC rebels set to start peace talks Wednesday / link to original article

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The New Divine Humanity

The Unwinding of The Old DNA Program.

The Transformation that you are Experiencing is taking place within you as you move from Being in your Mind to Being in Your Heart. The Transformation is  occurring at your Cellular Consciousness and DNA level.

The Way of Being and existing in your Mind was a Program in your DNA.

The New Program exists in the Pure  Being of  Heart Awareness. Unconditional Love.

This is the New program being uploaded  to your DNA through Frequency Transmissions.

You have Never Been alone, it has only felt that way through the Frequency you experienced yourself in Consciously.

Union Frequency is Source Frequency.

The Cosmic Codes are Frequencies that are released and  Transmitted from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light. 

 These Frequency Transmissions Shift your DNA and Cellular Consciousness to Union, to Source.

You are Source. You are a Unique Individuation of Source Frequency.

As you are Unwinding your Old…

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One World Rising

What expert masons we are, we seem to excel at our ability to construct walls, not only that, but once erected we seem to remain at peace to stay within them. This is so strange. How on earth could we possibly be happy behind walls? Our biggest and most impenetrable wall seems to be our wall of us versus ‘them’. It is all part of our world of duality of course, but this wall seems to be the hardest one to break down. We have become hung up on seeing what the dark ones are doing to us. Yes they are doing these things to the world, but so are we! If we continue to think in terms of us versus them, we give this ‘THEM’ power to continue on with what they are doing. I will be the first to say I am guilty of this, it has…

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Jesus through John

Many of you are experiencing heavenly dreams as the moment for humanity’s awakening draws ever closer.  Enjoy them, revel in them, and know that they are but a very faint intimation of what truly lies ahead for you.  The creative power that God possesses, and lovingly shares with you in its entirety, is completely beyond your ability to comprehend while you remain entangled within the illusion. Nevertheless, you are soon going to be availing yourselves of it and delighting in the infinite possibilities that it offers you.  Prepare yourselves for never-ending amazing and delightful, heavenly surprises when you awaken.

Until then, focus attentively on your intent to awaken and on your other equally important task: the intent to assist everyone with whom you interact to awaken as well.  Your assistance is vital, so be careful not to dismiss your thoughts on how you can best help others as grandiose projections…

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