Lucas 2012 Infos

(Lucas: Thanks Wes, I also reported on the cleansing effect of the storm in my recent article.)

I’d like to make a note on the current hurricane Sandy, because there’s been a lot of buzz on it and different sources have been saying different things. The idea of weather manipulation will almost always come into play when it comes to powerful weather of this sort, and I can feel that the intensity of hurricane Sandy is catalytically initiating yet another planetary balancing and cleansing, as has been suggested.

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Lucas 2012 Infos

Beloved bright light beings on the Earth, I am Mary Magdalene; I am here to support you, to hold you in the energy of ascension, enlightenment and the blissful peace of the Creator at this very moment.
I am here to love you, to be present with you, for we are old friends.  I have connected with each of you before either on the Earth or the inner planes. There is a love between us that is so pure and truthful for we have opened our hearts to each other sharing the blissful grace of our hearts which is the very essence of the Creator.  You are all divinely connected with the energy of Master Jesus and have worked alongside both of us at some time because we are all one. It is appropriate that you may have been taught by both of us, either on the earth or the…

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The New Divine Humanity

Sacred Divine Union Frequency.

As I write this on my iPod I am converting from Audio to YouTube a Transmission I just completed for You from The Central Sun, The Queen of Light.
Divine Union Frequency Transmission.

The Frequency of The Central Sun is the Frequency of Source; Divine Union. The Commissioned Frequency Transmissions are Dispensations Now for Your Shift to Union, 5th Dimension Frequency.

As your DNA and Cellular Consciousness are transformed to Union Frequency you will undergo Deep Changes.

Through Your transformation you are Eternally loved and Held. All is Frequency.

Moving into Union you Become The Pure Being You ARE and that You Desire.

Living and Staying in Harmony during the Process of Your Shift in Frequency allows you to Access The Frequency of Ease and Grace.

I will include The link to my YouTube that includes the Audio Transmission “Divine Union Frequency Transmission”.

You are Loved and Held in…

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Oracles and Healers

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As you can easily see, the events that are now happening on all sides of you could easily shake you from your centered determination.  We congratulate all of you.  If you are reading this, either you have not been affected, or you know well how to recover your calm and center yourselves.

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